Meet Our Senior Pastor

God has called me to preach (Jeremiah 1:4-9) and placed within me the desire to equip (I Timothy 3).

  I am a strong believer in equipping and investing in the maturing of humanity (Ephesians 4:11-16). I place priority on having a substantive, ever growing relationship with Jesus Christ. He has invested so much in me and I am grateful and realize I have an obligation to share (Luke 12:48).


 The impetus of my public ministry is an overflow from my private ministry. God has blessed me to share in a wonderful, healthy marriage with a beautiful and godly wife (Juan, pronounced Ja-won) for the past 23 years! We have two awesome sons Caleb (14) and Aaron (12)!  

 God has enabled me over the past 30 years to experience success as a preacher/teacher, counselor and equipper which I measure in the ability to bring people closer to Him. I believe that my calling, passion, education, extensive preaching and teaching experience will enable me to make a significant contribution as the Senior Pastor of Northside Missionary Baptist Church! I believe my gifts, experiences and education will glorify God here at Northside!  

 I can be contacted at (281) 384-7081, or by email at  

 Please feel free to worship with us anytime.  There will be more exciting things to come on our website so please check back soon! God bless!